Thursday, January 10, 2019

Sale-A-Bration Card Class

Hello all my creative friends, 
Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a great holiday season! I am super excited to invite you to the first class of the season which is the Sale-A-Bration Card Class! The reason this time of year is so exciting is that with every $60 you order from the Catalogue (before shipping and taxes) you can get a FREE item from the Sale-A-Bration Catalogue.  It is also a great time to become a Stampin' Up! Consultant as you get $225 of product for $135 (That is $90 of FREE product!!!)  or Get $225 worth of Stampin' Up! product plus the exclusive Craft and Carry Tote (valued at $68)  for $175 (That is $118 of FREE product!!!).  

The Sale-A-Bration card Class will take place on Saturday January 19th or Sunday January 20th from 1 pm to 4 pm, the class will take place at my apartment, please contact me for details.  The class will cost $12 and we will be making the three cards posted.  Starting this year I will have people pay up front for the next card class either you can bring $12 with you or you can e-transfer me the $12 to, I will not register you for the next class until I get the payment.  Please register by Thursday January 17th so I have enough supplies for everyone.  

Thank you for registering, 
Melissa Omoniyi Bellefontaine
Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator